Welcome to ARIS KG
We hope that you enjoy your visit and that this provides you with the information that you are looking for about our Preschool-KG program.

Preschool-KG program
Our program is designed in such a way that it lets children explore language, math, science and geography areas. We provide a comfortable and soothing learning environment that will help children with their self-esteem. Our goal is to prepare your child for a lifetime of learning.
Calendar Activity
- Parent’s Orientation (Opening of Classes): September
- Clay Activity: October
- Costume Activity (Vegetables / Fruits): November
- Sports Week: December
- Occupation Costumer Activity: February
- Mother’s Day Activity and National: Traditional
- Costume Day: March
- Hat Making Activity: April
- Father’s Day Activity: May

Calendar Activity
KG 1
- Can bathe, wash, dress themselves unaided
- Can name body parts like head hair eyes hands and arms
- Can count figures objects and recognize their shapes and colors
- Like to listen to stories and repeat them. Can tell their own stories Love to look at pictures/storybooks
- Very curious, asking many questions what when, where, and why
- Enjoy playing with other children, share toys with them.
KG 2
- Very observant easily notice changes.
- Want to explore and experiment.
- Try to understand concept of time and space.
- Capable of expressing feelings.
- Show qualities of leadership; some prefer to follow.
- Love to bring about new accomplishments particularly newly learned skills.
- Begin to distinguish beginning sounds phonic differences and similarities.
- Can draw happy and sad faces draw neatly.
- Show interest in pictures and printed words in figures and numbers can count 1 up to 100.